Tuesday, June 25, 2013

We just went INSANE on our newest Promotion

You’ve probably followed the progress the last couple of months while we have been creating some incredible promos with STIFORP

but the one we’re about to announce might make you think we’ve completely lost our minds. 
Make today your pre-registration and activation Click Here 

We can’t tell you yet what it is – at least not in this email.

But we can tell you that it involves a year’s worth of OUR REVENUE that we will share with you.

Some of you got to work with our “rising star” promotion over the last couple of months, and that’s awesome! But you’re going to be STUNNED when you hear about our NEW promo and especially how EASY it is to qualify for what we’re about to give you.

Here’s one thing we can tell you about this promotion:

If you choose to get to work NOW and get as many team members BY JULY 1ST, you'll see massive benefits and have a jump on this promotion.

So, here’s what you want to do:

* Make today your pre-registration and activation Click Here , using the easiest and BEST marketing solution ON THE PLANET

* Help your new enrollments to qualify for the “Rising Star” promotion BEFORE July 1st (This means helping them to enroll at least 3 people in their first 14 days AT ANY LEVEL)

* Be on our opportunity webinars for some MASSIVE announcements and BE READY TO RAKE IN THE CASH.

To join our Tuesday opportunity webinars, just go to this link: http://www.stiforpwebinar.com/StiforpUSA and get registered, then BE SURE your team does the same – you do now want to miss this announcement and the awesome action that will come from it.

Let’s rock!

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